AZSPC Hope Conference
October 27-28, 2025
Creighton University in Downtown Phoenix
3110 N. Central Ave. Suite D200, Phoenix, AZ 85012
We invite you, as an expert, to consider submitting a proposal for education and training presentations for the Arizona Suicide Prevention Conference. We are seeking expert consultants and speakers to present on various topics. This year's theme is -Through the Looking-glass - Embracing Perspectives in Preventing Suicide.
Every year suicide claims more lives of Arizonans than homicide! With public discourse, education, and awareness, each of us can help reduce the frequency of suicide in our communities. The Arizona Suicide Prevention Coalition (AZSPC) is a non-profit 501-c3 organization consisting of professionals in the field of suicide prevention, survivors and supporters. Our purpose is to reduce suicidal acts in Arizona. Our mission is to change those conditions that result in suicidal acts in Arizona through awareness, intervention, and action.
This conference is a two-day opportunity for those dedicated to preventing suicide in our community to come together and exchange ideas while learning from the leading experts. The event will be held at the Creighton University in downtown Phoenix on October 27-28, 2025. It is expected to draw 150-175 attendees to include both professionals working in the field as well as survivors.
One of our primary missions is suicide prevention, and as such we pay close attention to being mindful of the language we use to keep our conversation safe for people in the room who may be attempt or loss survivors. To that end, we’d appreciate if you took a few minutes to review the link below about the best practices for safe messaging about suicide.
Safe Messaging:
Conference organizers are interested in, but not limited to, the topics listed below:
Audio Visual / Room Set-up
Audio/visual equipment, including computer, projector, screen lavalier mic and podium will be provided by the conference. We will provide a full-time technician during the conference for troubleshooting. The room will be set classroom style for general sessions and for breakout workshops, unless requested otherwise.
Please note: the conference will live broadcast all sessions and record for viewing up to a month after the conference. All equipment will be provided by AZSPC and any recordings remain the property of AZSPC. All speakers must be familiar with presenting in Zoom and understand how to share and unshare their screens.
Presentation Materials
Speaker will be required to provide the conference coordinator with an electronic copy of presentation and/or handouts and grant permission to use these materials for the conference. These materials must be provided no later than September 15, 2025.
AZSPC Hope Conference will be held as a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual options for attendees. We strongly recommend speakers are in-person. If that is not possible, please notify Stacey Lindsay at the time of submission. Should COVID-19 restriction recommendations from the CDC change we reserve the opportunity to move the conference to a virtual experience.
In the event Speaker must cancel due to unforeseen problems beyond his/her control, including but not limited to illness or emergency, the Speaker will agree to provide a comparable Presenter. (Please provide name of comparable Presenter). Last minute cancellations would put AZSPC in a very difficult position and would be looked upon as unprofessional. Speaker will be liable for expenses not refundable, incurred on his/her behalf including travel, lodging, and materials duplication costs. AZSPC will not have any liability for any expenses or losses incurred by Speaker.
It is understood that all speakers are Independent Contractors and therefore assumes all responsibility for withholding tax, social security, state tax, public liability, and worker’s compensation insurance. As an Independent Contractor, Speakers shall have exclusive control over the means, method and details of fulfilling the obligations stated above.
1) Please read these materials carefully
2) Fill out the ONLINE application form at and submit the “Other Materials Required” (see list below) to Stacey Lindsay by May 30, 2025
3) All speakers will be selected and notified by July 1, 2025
4) All final presentation materials will be due by September 30, 2025
The items listed below must be sent via e-mail to [email protected] before your application can be considered. Application deadline is May 30, 2025. If your files are too large, contact Stacey Lindsay to make other arrangements. Please make sure your last name is included in all file names.
Every year suicide claims more lives of Arizonans than homicide! With public discourse, education, and awareness, each of us can help reduce the frequency of suicide in our communities. The Arizona Suicide Prevention Coalition (AZSPC) is a non-profit 501-c3 organization consisting of professionals in the field of suicide prevention, survivors and supporters. Our purpose is to reduce suicidal acts in Arizona. Our mission is to change those conditions that result in suicidal acts in Arizona through awareness, intervention, and action.
This conference is a two-day opportunity for those dedicated to preventing suicide in our community to come together and exchange ideas while learning from the leading experts. The event will be held at the Creighton University in downtown Phoenix on October 27-28, 2025. It is expected to draw 150-175 attendees to include both professionals working in the field as well as survivors.
One of our primary missions is suicide prevention, and as such we pay close attention to being mindful of the language we use to keep our conversation safe for people in the room who may be attempt or loss survivors. To that end, we’d appreciate if you took a few minutes to review the link below about the best practices for safe messaging about suicide.
Safe Messaging:
Conference organizers are interested in, but not limited to, the topics listed below:
- Cultural differences in suicide (Including Asian, Mexican & Native American Cultures, African American)
- Resiliency & Recovery
- Suicide in high-risk populations (Veterans, Older Adults, Middle Age, LGBTQ, Youth, Native American)
- Primary Care
- First Responders
- Hormones and their impact on depression and suicide
- Firearm safety/means restriction
- Legal / Ethical Dilemmas involving suicide
- Suicide Prevention and Referral Options for Small Communities
- Suicide and survivor issues on High School & College Campuses
- Peer Support Programing
- Attempt Survivor issues
- Addiction related suicides/substance abuse co-occurring
- De-escalation techniques and approach techniques when speaking with teens on suicide
- Suicide screening, assessment, and intervention strategies
- Postvention
- Suicide loss survivor Issues (clinician, family, close relationship)
- Clarification of SMI (Seriously mentally Ill) issues separate from suicide
- Spirituality (recovering it in the wake of suicide)
- Clinician survivors
- Advocacy training
Audio Visual / Room Set-up
Audio/visual equipment, including computer, projector, screen lavalier mic and podium will be provided by the conference. We will provide a full-time technician during the conference for troubleshooting. The room will be set classroom style for general sessions and for breakout workshops, unless requested otherwise.
Please note: the conference will live broadcast all sessions and record for viewing up to a month after the conference. All equipment will be provided by AZSPC and any recordings remain the property of AZSPC. All speakers must be familiar with presenting in Zoom and understand how to share and unshare their screens.
Presentation Materials
Speaker will be required to provide the conference coordinator with an electronic copy of presentation and/or handouts and grant permission to use these materials for the conference. These materials must be provided no later than September 15, 2025.
AZSPC Hope Conference will be held as a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual options for attendees. We strongly recommend speakers are in-person. If that is not possible, please notify Stacey Lindsay at the time of submission. Should COVID-19 restriction recommendations from the CDC change we reserve the opportunity to move the conference to a virtual experience.
In the event Speaker must cancel due to unforeseen problems beyond his/her control, including but not limited to illness or emergency, the Speaker will agree to provide a comparable Presenter. (Please provide name of comparable Presenter). Last minute cancellations would put AZSPC in a very difficult position and would be looked upon as unprofessional. Speaker will be liable for expenses not refundable, incurred on his/her behalf including travel, lodging, and materials duplication costs. AZSPC will not have any liability for any expenses or losses incurred by Speaker.
It is understood that all speakers are Independent Contractors and therefore assumes all responsibility for withholding tax, social security, state tax, public liability, and worker’s compensation insurance. As an Independent Contractor, Speakers shall have exclusive control over the means, method and details of fulfilling the obligations stated above.
1) Please read these materials carefully
2) Fill out the ONLINE application form at and submit the “Other Materials Required” (see list below) to Stacey Lindsay by May 30, 2025
3) All speakers will be selected and notified by July 1, 2025
4) All final presentation materials will be due by September 30, 2025
The items listed below must be sent via e-mail to [email protected] before your application can be considered. Application deadline is May 30, 2025. If your files are too large, contact Stacey Lindsay to make other arrangements. Please make sure your last name is included in all file names.
- W-9 (to be sent at a later time)
- Biographical Sketch
- Vitae/Resume
- Black & White Photo